At Center For Family Services, staff are recognized as the most valuable and greatest resource. The top workplace team at Center For Family Services consists of highly experienced experts in a variety of fields. Trusted staff are changemakers and thought leaders and are often the leading voice in how services are designed to best serve those in need. 

The Expert Angle offers an outlet for highly talented staff to share their knowledge with you. This forum is a place where content experts share information on topics that most closely resonate with the work they do. The Expert Angle is a collection of blog entries where our staff can explore the various entities of Center For Family Services’ mission and programs from the point of view of an expert in that role. The blog is a platform to help communities, individuals, and other social service professionals to learn and grow. 

Part 3: The Impact of Homelessness on Mental Health

Posted on: | By: Tara Aquila Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator
As we wrap up this series on homelessness let’s take a look at the big takeaway messages from each installment so far. In Part 1, we explored statistics, reasons for homelessness, and the importance of advocacy and awareness as well as the importance for compassion and care when approaching this population. In Part 2,  we explored the often-overlooked health risks and concerns faced by homeless youth. Notably we talked about the fear of judgment to seek medical care and how compassion and care, resources and advocacy are incredibly important to help homeless youth be taken care…
Blog Tags: Youth Mental Health

Part 2: Health Risks and Concerns Among Homeless Youth

Posted on: | By: Tara AquilaPublic Relations and Marketing Coordinator
Welcome back to Part 2 of our series on Youth Homelessness. In Part 1, we explored statistics, reasons for homelessness, and the importance of advocacy and awareness as well as the importance for compassion and care when approaching this population. This next installment will explore the often-overlooked health risks and concerns faced by youth experiencing homelessness. Understanding these health risks is crucial in advocating for comprehensive support and intervention strategies.Physical Health RisksLiving on the streets exposes youth without a safe place to live to severe physical…

Chronic Absenteeism

Posted on: | By: Tyesha BrydSenior Director of School Based Youth Services
It's 10 a.m. on Monday. Do you know where your children are? Regrettably, many students miss school daily, which is challenging for schools nationwide. Chronic Absenteeism is a pivotal problem that negatively impacts students, families, schools, and communities. According to the Federation of American Teachers, Chronic Absenteeism is when students miss 10% or more of their school days for any reason: excused, unexcused, or suspensions. Did you know that 1 in 5 students experience chronic Absenteeism? Chronic Absenteeism can affect all students, regardless of age. It can start as early as pre-…

Part 1 "The Invisible Crisis: Exploring the Scope of Youth Homelessness" – Understanding the Issue

Posted on: | By: Tara AquilaPublic Relations Assistant
In busy cities, small towns and even in our own neighborhoods, a silent crisis affects countless young lives: youth homelessness. In the United States, it's estimated that on any given night, approximately 4.2 million youth experience homelessness. Globally, this number rises dramatically to an estimated 150 million young people. Shockingly, around 40% of these individuals are under the age of 18, placing them at a severe disadvantage during critical developmental years.Many factors contribute to youth homelessness. Family conflicts, often involving neglect or abuse, frequently drive young…

Tips and Strategies to Be the Best Mentor: You Have the Potential to Make an Impact

Posted on: | By: Tara AquilaPublic Relations Assistant
Mentorship is a powerful relationship that can shape careers, foster personal growth, and drive success. That is why Center For Family Services’ LifeTies Mentoring Program strives to provide youth with a mentor that can help support their path to a safe and healthy future. Whether you're an experienced professional or just starting out, being a mentor is a significant responsibility that requires dedication, empathy, and a genuine desire to help others thrive. In this blog, we'll explore tips and strategies to help you become the best mentor you can be, making a meaningful impact on your…
Blog Tags: Volunteer

The Importance of Self-Care: Nurturing the Caretaker Within

Posted on: | By: Tara AquilaPublic Relations Assistant
Being a caretaker is both a noble responsibility and a significant challenge. Whether you're caring for a child, a parent, a spouse, or a friend, the role of a caretaker can be emotionally and physically demanding. Amidst the endless tasks and the boundless love poured into the care of another, it's easy for caretakers to overlook their own well-being. However, neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and diminished capacity to provide effective care. Therefore, it is incredibly important to also prioritize yourself while being someone else’s companion. Emotional…
Blog Tags: Compassion Fatigue

The Impact of a Social Services Provider: How Your Community Can be Strengthened

Posted on: | By: Tara Aquila Public Relations Assistant
Social service organizations, like Center For Family Services play a vital role in strengthening and supporting communities in a multitude of ways. By offering trusted care in a variety of specialized areas those in need can be met with resources and dedicated staff to help them reach their full potential. The impact social service organizations make extends far beyond providing immediate assistance to individuals in need; they contribute to the overall well-being, resilience, and connectedness of the communities in which their clients live in. Here are some of the significant ways in…
Blog Tags: community support

Diversity is Humanity

Posted on: | By: Dr. June DePonte Sernak Statewide Diversity Leadership Officer
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging as a concept has gained significant attention in recent years as we have faced systemic, economic and political turmoil throughout the world.  Awareness months have been included in many environments to ensure that representation and education are available to employees to gain competencies in traditions and beliefs embracing diversity.  Many organizations have seized the opportunity to create a workplace that is not only productive but equitable both culturally and linguistically.  April is Diversity Awareness Month and no…

The Power of Workplace Wellness Committee’s

Posted on: | By: Tara Aquila Public Relations Assistant
Human Resources, Finance, Facilities and various other administrative departments are all a part of the wheel house that make companies successful. Compile those standards with strong leadership and driven employees and you have all the ingredients for a successful, impactful and desirable organization to work for or support!Another key ingredient that can be found in workplaces across the world today are wellness committees. These committees, often times comprised of representatives from various departments, serve as catalysts for positive change, offering a range of benefits that…
Blog Tags: wellness

They Called it a Murder/Suicide Intimate Partner Domestic Violence and Suicide: A Compound Tragedy

Posted on: | By: Sandra McBeth, LCSW The Zero Suicide Committee
They called it a ‘murder/suicide’.  It was on the news, social media, and in the minds of all who lived in this a small suburban town in New Jersey that I call home.  A father killed his 16-year-old son, his wife, and then himself.  This horrific event was, in fact, an act of domestic violence.This blog was written with the intention of bringing awareness to the correlation between Intimate Partner Domestic Violence (IPDV) and Suicide. Suicide and domestic violence can lie within, yet are often times not explored as co-occurrences. Both are incredibly devastating,…
Blog Tags: Traumatic Loss
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