Mosaic Early Learning slots are available for the current school year. Enroll your child today!

Mosaic Early Learning is a free, year-round early learning and preshool program for families with children preschool age children that meet the family income eligibility requirements and reside in Burlington County or Camden County, New Jersey.

Contact us at 856.964.2100 for more information on eligibility.

To qualify for the Mosaic Early Learning :

  • Serving children from birth to five years old in Burlington County; serving children 3, 4 and 5 years old in Camden City/Camden County.
  • Families must reside in Burlington County, Camden City or Camden County.
  • A child must not be eligible for kindergarten at the time of enrollment.
  • Special emphasis is given to four year old children.
  • A child with a disability will receive priority points. 
  • Regardless of any changes in family income, once a child is determined eligible and enrolled in the program, he or she will remain eligible for the program throughout the current year and for a second year, as long as he or she still meets the age requirements.
  • Placement and Waiting Lists  - Children must meet the federal government’s income guidelines.  Eligible children are ranked by income and age and families with the lowest incomes (adjusted for family size) will be assigned the highest ranking and, therefore, served first.  If space is not available for a child, he or she will be placed on a waiting list until space becomes available.  A child who leaves the program may re-apply later in the year and will be placed on the waiting list according to his or her ranking at the date of re-application.

 Click here to enroll your child today!