What is an Employee Assistance Program?

The Employee Assistance Program provides professional help to all Center For Family Services employees and their dependents/family members for a variety of personal, family, and workplace problems. As employees of Center For Family Services, we are normally the ones who help and support individuals and families when they are in crisis. Your Employee Assistance Program is who you can turn to when you find yourself being the one who needs help. Call and schedule an appointment today to take advantage of these services offered. For more information, click the Brochure link below or contact Human Resources via HR Ticket.




In addition, our EAP provides resources for every employee and their families to utilize:

Financial Wellness Toolkit

Mental Health Wellness Toolkit


Who is eligible for the Employee Assistance Program?

All Center For Family Services employees, and their dependents or family members are eligible for free services through our Employee Assistance Program.

What can the Employee Assistance Program help me with?

  • Relationship Conflict
  • Emotional Difficulties (stress, depression, anxiety)
  • Work and Life Balance/Burn Out
  • Family Issues
  • Life Changes
  • Addiction
  • Grief/Bereavement
  • Estate planning

How does this benefit work?

The program provides free short-term counseling with counselors in your area who can help you with your emotional concerns. If the counselor determines that your issues can be resolved with short-term counseling, you will receive counseling through the program. However, if it is determined that the problem cannot be resolved in short-term counseling, and you will need longer-term treatment, you will be referred to a specialist early on and your insurance coverage will be activated. 

Is the counseling really confidential?

Yes, the program and counseling service is strictly confidential. No information about your participation in the program is provided to your employer.

Will my counseling session be reported to Center For Family Services?

No. No personal information is shared with Center For Family Services.

How do I contact ComPsych Guidance Resources?

Call: 800.460.4374
TDD: 800.697.0353
Online: guidanceresources.com
App: GuidanceResources Now
Web ID: EAPEssential