I was an interesting day at Camden City Hall as employees stepped away from their desk for a few moments to practice for and complete the popular Drake- "In My Feelings" challenge to bring awareness to and combat world hunger. 

The idea came about by Vitua Health System as a way to get people involved for September - Hunger Action Month. Employees spent some time watching the famous videos and immitating what they saw until it was time to practice as a group and eventually step to the streets to film the video. 

As the employees went outside they were meet by workers from the Virtua Mobile Farmers Market, produce market on wheels who have been trying to fight food insecurities all the while giving residents healthier options. 

The short video that will put into a string of other videos to make one big clip of Camden departments will be availble on YouTube. 

Residents were excited to see the people from City Hall along with Mayor Frank Moran dancing to the song in the park and the energy was high for those dancing too. They improvised, put their own flavor into it and replaced the name "Ke-Ke" with "Camden."

They demonstrated how happy they were to be a part of the Camden community and that would theey do everything they could to come together as a community and help as much as possible.