24/7 Hotlines

Sexual Violence & Domestic Violence Hotline

Human Trafficking Hotline and Cumberland CAC Hotline

Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV) offers a variety of services to those experiencing sexual violence, including hospital, police, and court accompaniments, as well as advocacy, counseling, and safety planning.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and needs to talk, our hotline is a free 24-hour phone service that will pair you with a SERV advocate. You can also speak with us online by leaving a message in the chat feature (look for the box in the bottom right corner of this page).

Sexual violence services are available in Camden, Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties.
24-Hour Hotline

Our compassionate team is available to support victims and survivors of sexual violence with counseling, referrals, and information through our 24-hour hotline. All calls are free and confidential.  

To reach our team of certified advocates, call 1-866-295-SERV (7378).

Crisis Intervention

SERV provides immediate counsel to those going through a time of crisis related to sexual violence. If you are in crisis, please call one of our hotlines and a SERV advocate can assist you. Advocates are also available to be dispatched to local police departments and hospitals to personally accompany those undergoing medical examinations and law enforcement interviews.


Our trained advocates provide emotional support, maintain confidentiality, offer safety planning, and inform the survivor of all the processes, options, and available resources. 

Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates can be contacted through the SERV hotlines and will accompany victims of sexual violence to hospitals, police stations, and court proceedings. Additionally, advocates help the victim access services related to sexual violence recovery.

Legal Advocacy

Navigating the legal system can be an intimidating experience. Court advocates educate survivors of sexual violence about the Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act (SASPA) and assist them in accessing all available legal remedies. Advocates provide information about options, offer support, and accompany survivors through court proceedings. 

We provide: 

  • Accompaniment to court 
  • Information about sexual violence law 
  • Support throughout legal proceedings 
  • Advocacy with law enforcement, court personnel, and legal services

Although court advocates cannot provide legal advice or representation for clients in civil and criminal cases, advocates can connect clients with legal services. SERV works with a variety of local organizations that can provide free legal advice and representation to victims of sexual assault based on their specific needs.

Accompaniments to the Hospital

Our Sexual Violence Advocates will be with victims every step of the way, including accompaniments to the hospital following an assault. They will help victims understand what to expect during their exam and act as a support system following their visit. The Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Kit – also known as a Rape Kit – is a tool that medical staff use to collect evidence and learn how to best care for the victim in the aftermath of a sexual assault. Click on the links below to learn more about the SAFE Kit process.

WARNING: The articles may contain graphic descriptions of the process.


SERV offers counseling services to help survivors process trauma, increase healthy coping strategies, and create support systems. 

Counseling services are available for victims and survivors of sexual violence and non-offending significant others. 

Services are offered to all ages and are available in both English and Spanish.

Individual counseling services are available Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Evening and Saturday appointments may be scheduled upon request. Mobile counseling can also be scheduled at schools (through coordination with school counselors) or at community partner sites and local libraries.

Our clients encompass all ages, socio-economic levels, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, and come from every economic background.

Support Groups

SERV offers ongoing support groups to adult survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones, and SERV can also help connect you with other suitable support groups within the community. To register for group counseling, contact serv@centerffs.org, or check our event calendar for the latest information.

Educational Trainings

Our staff conducts free trainings for local service providers, law enforcement, community groups, and health care organizations to help people recognize the signs of sexual violence and work together in prevention efforts. To request a training for your organization or school, call 1-866-295-SERV (7378) or complete the Presentation Request Form.